Celebrate Holy Week Together as a Family

Holy Week has arrived, it's a time of reflection, prayer, and bonding, as we commemorate the journey of Jesus towards his crucifixion and resurrection.

While attending church services and participating in religious rituals are extremely important to this observance, incorporating meaningful family activities can deepen the spiritual experience.

Here's a day-by-day guide to Holy Week traditions you can embrace with your loved ones:

Monday and Tuesday: Set aside time each day for family prayer and reflection. Read and discuss Scripture passages related to Holy Week, such as the accounts of Jesus' teachings in Jerusalem and his interactions with his disciples. Encourage children to ask questions and share their insights, fostering a deeper understanding of the events leading up to Christ's Passion. 

Wednesday: Observed as Spy Wednesday in the Catholic tradition, take this day to reflect on the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot. Attend a parish reconciliation service together as a family, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation with God and one another. Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, meditating on Jesus' agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. 

Maundy Thursday: In the evening, gather as a family to commemorate the Last Supper. Attend the Mass of the Lord's Supper at your parish, where the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood is celebrated. Create a sacred space at home for a family prayer service, including the washing of feet to emulate Jesus' act of humble service to his disciples. 

Good Friday: Observe Good Friday as a day of fasting, abstinence, and solemn reflection. Attend the Liturgy of the Lord's Passion at your parish or participate in a livestream service. Reflect on the Stations of the Cross as a family, either at home or in your parish church. Consider watching a Catholic-themed film (we will be sending an email with our list, stay tuned)  or documentary depicting the Passion of Christ to deepen your understanding and reverence for this holy day. 

Holy Saturday: Enter into the silence and anticipation of Holy Saturday as you await the Easter Vigil. Fast from meat and engage in acts of prayer and penance. Gather for a family prayer vigil, reflecting on the significance of Jesus' descent into the realm of the dead and the hope of his resurrection. Light a Paschal candle at home to symbolize Christ's victory over sin and death. 

Easter Sunday: Celebrate the joy of Christ's resurrection with exuberant praise and thanksgiving. Attend the Easter Sunday Mass as a family, rejoicing in the Risen Lord's victory. Share a festive meal together, incorporating traditional Easter foods and desserts.


  1. Ham: Roasted ham is a popular main dish for Easter meals in many Western countries, symbolizing abundance and celebration.

  2. Easter Eggs: Hard-boiled eggs dyed in vibrant colors are a universal symbol of Easter. They are often used in Easter egg hunts or as decorations on the Easter table.
  3. Hot Cross Buns: These spiced sweet buns, marked with a cross on top, are traditionally eaten on Good Friday. They symbolize the crucifixion of Jesus.

Renew your baptismal promises as a family, affirming your commitment to living as disciples of Christ. 

May these Catholic-based Holy Week traditions deepen your family's faith, foster unity, and draw you closer to the heart of Jesus Christ. As you journey through this sacred season, may the grace of God abound in your homes and hearts, renewing and transforming you in his love.

with love,


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